Forest inventory and timber cruising are some of Haglöf Sweden’s main concerns. 

Most of our instruments and systems have been developed to perform forest inventories with different methodologies, and with identical goals: To get to know the forest inside and out.

The DP II Computer Caliper and inventory programs form operator-friendly systems, that are built on logical structures and rugged tools. The systems are always easy to follow and quick to learn. With the information gathered in the computer caliper, and that has been processed and refined in the field, you can always have access to statistics and hard facts for important decisions.

Timber Cruising – Forest inventory

TCruise is an example of a complete timber cruising system that was originally developed for the US forestry market. TCruise provides an extensive facility for the collection of permanent plot data, and custom defined data at the tract, stratum, plot and tree levels. Example of custom defined data fields can be text, numeric edit fields, dropdown or drop-list combo boxes. A familiar Windows interface makes the creation of cruise templates easy. These templates provide the initial setup for all the differing cruising conditions, timber types and size classes. Changes in the templates are only necessary if timber prices or merchandising conditions change. The reports in TCruise is a compact executive summary showing timber volumes, values, sampling errors, estimated required sample sizes by product, and species group to a detailed accounting by DBH class. All species groups can be combined into a single group to provide bottom down volumes, values, sampling errors and estimated required samples sizes by product and in the aggregate. The TCruise system is available for desktop and Digitech Professional calipers as well as handheld and is one of the leading forestry program systems in the United States.

Haglöf Sweden develop different software solutions for different customers, companies, countries, markets, and pursposes. Inventory and cruising solutions for the smooth and practical DP II calipers are our speciality! Together with smart and unique add-ons, such as the DP GPS, the DP DME and the DP Scanner, it is easy to customize a system that fits your requirements for an efficient forest measuring operation. Contact us with your questions!